hehe..minat gler biology,tp xpenah score pon..thanx nway teacher ranti 4 being a great mama n teasher 4 me..
- so..inile antare gamba2 aq kt 5ibn haitham 2009 nie..thanx to all teachers especially 4 teaching us wisley,teacher fathiah,thanx sbb caring sgt2 kt saye!!teacher feizatul,thanx sbb byk bsabar ngan saye,ckgu hairulnizam,saye taw,brape kali je saye anta keje ckgu n tiap kali bincang homework,saye pure2 dh siap,maaf ye ckgu,hehe..ckgu rohaya,thanx jgk sbb byk bantu saye n byk besabar ngan saye sbb sye penah escape klas ckgu..muallimah,thanx 4 being a really good ustazah 4 me n thanx sbb ade skali 2 muallimah pnah senyum kt saye!thanx..cikgu azhar,thanx sbb slalu menyokong perbentangan sej saye..teacher syikin,thanx sbb slalu motivate saye n sye akan igt pesan teacher wkt kte sembang kt blk guru 2!!thanx so much teacher!!teacher ranti,thanx 4 being a great mum n teacher kt saye.thanx jgk teacher sbb sanggup naek ats kt klas saye smate mate nk bg ubat selsema wkt pagi 2,thanx so much teacher!!n sir yusman!!sir fizik paling comel pnah saye jumpe!!thanx sbb byk besabar ngan saye yg slalu sembang wkt sir ajar..thanx sir bg ubat skt perut wkt saye tgh sakit prowt gler2 wkt klas sir 2..thanx sir!!
- to all my classmates,thanx sbb slalu ceriakan hidup aq n slalu bwat aq gelak even aq gelak mcm g*mp$%!..sory klu lmbt anta keje skolah,lmbt byr duit klas(khas utk katon),thanx 4 everything n aq syg sgt2 kt korunk!!jgn lupe aq k!!
~0222,december 28th,2009..arini xde peristiwe menarik yg berlaku cume katon ttbe msg aq mintak msg jiwang:)..